[MAINTENANCE] NSW-IX | Equinix SY1 | Network Expansion and Rearrangement
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Internet Association of Australia
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jun 16, 2022 - 19:00 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 16, 2022 - 13:00 UTC
IAA Engineers will be installing new equipment and rearranging the hardware layout within Equinix SY1 (syd1), which includes some member port migrations, RS2.NSW outage, temporarily reduced SYD<>MEL, SYD<>BNE capacity and AS10084 NSW content network outage. This work increases our hardware capacity to keep up with demand and builds further resiliency into Equinix SY1.

Window: 6 hours
Downtime: Up to 1 hour (Expected between 1-5 am)
Preparation will commence from 11pm with the outage commencing at approximately 1am AEST.

* Members with service ports connected to pe1.syd1 and pe3.syd1 should expect their port to go down during this window, affecting all services associated with the port: Peering, VLL, Extended Reach Peering and any bilateral connections you may have to another peer.

* ALL Members connected to NSW-IX should also expect RS2.NSW (rs2.nsw.ix.asn.au) to go offline during this outage whilst it is relocated.

* ALL Members connected to NSW-IX and consuming content via AS10084 should expect that to go offline whilst its paths are relocated.

Member service ports set to migrate will be drained of peering traffic roughly 10 minutes before the planned event using BCP214 compliant filters. Filters will be removed once the devices are back online and stable.

To confirm the device your service port connects to, please log in to your account via https://portal.internet.asn.au.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, don't hesitate to contact us at 1300 793 320 or noc@ix.asn.au.
Posted Jun 02, 2022 - 07:46 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Peering Fabric (NSW-IX), Inter-Capital Network (MEL-SYD, SYD-BNE), and AS10084 - Content and Transit.